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Zapojte se do nově vytvářené interdisciplinární sítě Ocean4Biotech


Nabídka pro členy CzechBio zapojit se do nově vytvářené interdisciplinární sítě Ocean4Biotech.

Originální zpráva:

Dear members,

my name is Ana and I am the main proposer of recently approved COST Action CA18238 (Ocean4Biotech) with the aim of establishing a transdisciplinary network in marine biotechnology. As I think you or your members would be a great asset in our network, I am writing you to consider joining the Action.

Please find more information here

Also, in case you wouldn't be interested in joining our network, please indicate a colleague who could proactivelly contribute to it (the details are all found in the link above). In any case, should you decide to join, contact your CNC (COST national coordinator|Name:) and they will give you the instructions on how to formally join us.

Sorry for the brevity of the message but let me know if you need any

additional information.

Kind regards,


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