USDA ve Washingtonu DC, ve spolupráci s Agriculture and Food Systems Institute (AFSI - drive ILSI Research Foundation), plánují webinář zaměřený na mikrobiální biotechnologie. Je možnost se stát jedním z řečníku:
We are looking for individuals who have a very good understanding of the technology and have a background working in the field on microbial biotech. These could be industry, associations, scientists, academics, regulatory experts, etc.
They hope to form the steering committee by mid-May and then a seminar date will be set.
Note that the event will focus on industry, there is no public facing outreach. It will consist of a series of short seminar on various topics broken down into the themes of
What is microbial biotech traditionally and its potential in the future
how is the technology used to make food
how has it been traditionally regulated in terms of trade.