Second year of a full-day biotech conference for start-ups, pharma and diagnostic companies, investors, researchers, and other biotech experts from Central Europe will take place on September 24, 2024, in Prague, Czech Republic.
We are honoured to have Christian A. Stein, CEO of Ascenion GmbH, and Petr Jansa, among others, Head of Development at BridGene Biosciences, Inc., co-founder of Pallando Therapeutics, and an advisor to the California Life Sciences FAST program as our keynote speakers.
Main part of the programme consists of Pitch Sessions attended by Austrian, Czech, German, Polish, and Slovak start-ups - and the feedback they will receive from leading investors, including Sebastian Kreuz (Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund), Agnes Oertli (LSA Ventures), Roman Smola (Tensor Ventures), and Nicolas Beuzen (i&i Biotech Fund).
Please find out more at, where you can also sign up to participate.